We would like you to read carefully the conditions for accrediting professional media for CTRL Show concerts:
1. An application for accreditation must be sent no later than 5 days before the concert to the mail: pr@ctrl.show
2. The application must indicate:
- in the subject line of the letter: accreditation - name of the concert - city of the concert;
- in the text of the letter: name of the correspondent indicating the activity (photo / writer);
- link to the concert announcement / screenshot of the concert banner posted / PDF version of the issue with the announcement (for printing media).
The concert must be announced no later than 3 weeks before its appointed date;
- if this is your first time contacting us for accreditation, you have to provide us with the
details in the letter about the resource (circulation / number of outputs / audience / attendance, etc.)
3. The following organizations are considered for the accreditation: - TV / radio media;
- Printing media with a circulation of at least 5,000 copies;
- Internet media with at least 3,000 unique visitors per day;
- Publics and communities with an active audience of at least 10,000 people;
4. Within 2-5 days after the event, you have to send links to the post-announcement, photo and (or) video materials to the mail: pr@ctrl.show
CTRL Show is open to offers of cooperation.
If necessary, we are always ready to provide you with additional materials (photos / videos, etc.) about the artist and assist in announcing and exclusive interviews.
Thank you!